Monday, June 14, 2010

The Wonders of Paper

As a graphic designer I feel like you automatically become addicted to things that normal human beings might find silly and ridiculous. For instance typefaces, grid alignment and yes paper. It might be strange to think that the paper you use can totally make or break a design. With your paper choice in mind you can do incredible things. Because paper is truly incredible.

Here is a video I found that shows the amazing feats of paper.
and if you liked that check out the links next to this video there are some pretty impressive tutorials on how to do in crazier things with paper.

But in terms of advertising and design here are some pretty JAZZY designs utilizing an perfect choice of paper.

So here you can see a lot of thought being put into paper and when you do this you can accomplish some really fun and interesting printing techniques and really push your design to the next level making it more eye catching and appealing to your audience. Here are some fun things that I've done with paper.


  1. Cool stuff! I've never seen the Yellow Tail or Tread Fearlessly pieces. I like!!!!

  2. The Yellowtail one was so much fun I did a Victorian pattern in the background that so when you look at the bottle from the front you see through it and see the pattern in the background.

  3. Wow! Cool! Can't wait to see it in real life!

  4. unfortunately the wine bottle no longer exist only pictures of it. A friend of mine that took pictures of it for me left it in here car and the back melted. So then we decided to drink it. I think I still have the label to which is a sparkly metallic paper. I LOVE it.
