Sunday, August 8, 2010

For the Love of Patterns

I love patterns and every once in awhile I get in a mood to create some jazzy new patterns. This weekend has been one of those FANTASTIC weekends. I created a couple patterns out of watercolor washes that I created and found which I then cut into or placed a flat color object over. I do have to say I really liked what came out and I will probably be experimenting with this technique a little more. This idea was inspired by one of my favorite artists Stina Persson. If you haven't seen her stuff you NEED to check it out at . I also got the idea for the dot pattern from the ever so lovely Dannielle Goodrich, who decorated her sisters wedding party with these colorful dots that she cut out of magazines and pasted to plain white Bristol board. I fell in love! I hope you like what you see!

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