Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm moving...

to my own personal website to blog... yes I know its sad but I think you will still love everything I am posting. I've been busy doing spring cleaning on my website, my blog, and facebook so you can see what I have been up to on any of these places. My new blog and personal website is and you can find me at HI Design on facebook! I hope everyone will check it out here is a little peak to entice you to visit my new site!

again you can visit at

Monday, April 25, 2011

gerry giraffe...

it this fellows name and his little friend is Mary Monkey. These two are absolutely adorable. I'm definitely thinking of buying Mr.Gerry and placing him behind a tall house plant it would fill me with joy everyday.

you can find these two jazzy friends by elly nelly and thank you Ms. Joselyn for this wonderful find!

booklet love...

these are a couple of my favorites from a collection of 49 beautiful catalog and booklet designs.

you can find this jazzy design collection at Digital Room

Thursday, April 21, 2011

easter bunnies...

since easter is only a few days away I have found lots of cute easter things. These cards punch out to make little easter bunnies that you can then dress and stylize and theirs a mustache so how could I resist!

you can find these stylish bunnies by Hello Clementine

belated wine up wednesday...

So I know Wine Up Wednesday is supposed to happen on Wednesday...go figure. But this week has been all a mess and I totally forgot it was even Wednesday yesterday. OH WELL! This week I'm featuring Lois Sparkling Blanc de Blancs made by The Lane Vineyard in South Australia. The description of this wine is that it is the color of the palest lemon with green hues. The bouquet is a lemon sorbet with cracked wheat and fresh green apple. The palate is clean lemon, lime and minerality. The food recommendations are lobster, oysters, truffle risotto, flambe peaches, and candlelight! I myself have not tried the wine but I admire the design of the bottle itself.

to purchase this wine you can visit The Lane Vineyard the bottle design was done by Public Creative. Hope you enjoy and if you get to try it before I do let me know what you think!

phone fashion...

So I got an iphone last night. I wasn't ready to make the purchase because I love my old phone so dearly and it was sad to see it pass. Plus, I literally just got an itouch which is an iphone without the calling capability. But honestly its buy an iphone or purchase a piece for $40 less. I had no choice. So today to ease my mind I looked into phone fashion.

I feel much better. Thank you Kate Spade!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

double exposure love...

these images are so beautiful!

you can find these jazzy photos by Dan Mountford