Look like my title says, anything can be art. Art is what YOU think it is,it's like the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Well to me art is too. I don't believe because art is in a museum that it's art. I believe the way my mom mows the grass in less then 2.5 hours and plans out every vacation to a tee is an art...but you don't. I also believe that poop in a can is art, and yes its been done (look up Piero Manzoni), the cans actually started exploding. Priceless!
Today however I'm going to show you some magnificent works of art. Some are easily agreeable some not so much. But over the last couple of days of collecting and perusing I've started to think. Would my mom think this was art? Would she look at this and be inspired? Thus my conclusion and title ANYTHING can be art. Get your jazz hands ready.

So what do you think? What's art and what's not?